Our Mission
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Monte Christo Cattle Company is a family owned and operated purebred Simbrah cow/calf operation. Three family generations are involved in our ranching enterprise in Hidalgo County Texas.
Our Mission is to produce and market quality, high performing Females and Bulls to other producers to improve their herds and increase the awareness and benefits of the Modern Simbrah Breed.
Modern simbrah cattle have been bred to be more efficient producers than their ancestors. They are known for their longevity, fertility, adaptability, and easy calving. They also have excellent feed conversion ratios which make them an ideal choice for modern livestock farmers looking to maximize their profits.
July 20, 2023
The summer time has passed the half way point and we just weaned another set of fall born calves this time from late November. They join the earlier weaned bunch that we’ve been backgrounding for the last few weeks.
This hot weather requires frequent irrigation to provide quality forage to get these steers and heifers off to a good start and they are really growing.
We do some test weights before long to check their progress but they’re really looking good.
Several visitors this past couple of weeks have really been impressed and plan to attend the upcoming sales.
Also, we got our photographer over to prepare for the September Alliance Sales, so keep an eye on our face book page to see our offerings for the Henderson and Giddings events.
We’ll be sharing photos and information as we get a little closer.
Jud & Margie…
June 20, 2023
With the first of June at hand, we have begun our weaning program. See the attached video of the first group foraging in deep grass from all the rain of the previous 6 weeks. These calves are currently being backgrounded on protein supplement and rich forage for 75 days when the steers and heifers will be separated for the development programs.
We will continue this process with another group every 30 to 45 days all summer till everything is weaned. Watch for more videos of the heifers as the programs develop!
Jud & Margie…